Haight Ashbury Free Band Posters
The Fake I.D.
The idea for the fake ID's came from a line in the Frank Zappa song "Son of Mr. Green Genes". I think that we made these up for a party, and laminated them in plastic.
My "Fake ID" front
The Back of the Fake ID (Nick's and Pat's phone Numbers)
The Truck Poster
This was the poster that we would display on the back of the truck for the truck gigs. Nick and I made a transparency of this and projected it on poster board to enlarge it.
The Feed-in
Maya Cain's incredible poster for the Feed-In gig.
The back of the Feed-In poster
Poster from the Anarchist Coffee House
Poster from the Anarchist Coffee House dated Sat June 18, 1988. I believe that this is the gig where the music transitions from mostly polite to out. Listen to the version of "Take Five" from this gig.
I think that the Nick and Maya brewed up the idea for the international evenings. They were basically parties held at Nick and Larry's house with idea of attracting Hostel travelers. And of course the music would be provided by the HAFB! Maya's Poster is incredibly detailed. I recall that we every multi-lingual person that we knew to help translate the invite into all the different languages that you see here. I think that there are about 20 different languages on the poster.
The Front of the International Evening Poster
The Back of the International Evening Poster
Revision History
02/22/2003 (gps) Initially written
to Haight Ashbury Free Band]
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