The Paint In
(Summer 1989)
The Paint-In happened sometime in the Summer of 1989. I think that it was both HAFB and a San Francisco Cacophony Society event. Nick set up his car (Batmobile) under the freeway and folks could drop by and help paint it. People did lots of creative things. There were little statues and pictures glued on and of course there was lots of paint. Cirque Du Soleil was setup next to us. The kids whose parents worked at the circus dropped by to help. They seemed to really get into the whole thing. The HAFB was there as well, and we played a couple of sets while folks painted. Players that day were Nick, Larry, David, Pat, Rick and Ernst Martin (on Bass). I think that both Maya and Ellison Horne shot video that day.
As a foot note, Nick also had a mini paint-in using a different car at his wedding. Later David bought this second car, and it can be seen at his website.
The Scene: Car, Band and Cirque Du Soleil
The kids from Cirque Du Soleil,
"Mama, peut nous peignent notre automobile?"
Mom, look at what they glued on the car!
Uhhh... Usually I stop people from doing this!
Larry scatting like Satchmo
Nick and Larry
Pat and new Steinberger
Rick and David
The "Front-End"
Revision History
03/29/2003 (gps) Initially written
to Haight Ashbury Free Band]
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